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Ancient Era Collection made in the USA ranges from Biblical costumes, through Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Etruscans.  Authentic for The Chosen or Vacation Bible Camp. Historical  wear for Toga Parties.

32 products found in Ancient Era - Biblical - Greek - Roman - Egyptian - Etruscans

Ancient Roman Toga
  • $82.00
Under tunic (Muslin Robe) - Garb the World
Under tunic (Muslin Robe)
  • $112.00
Rope Sandals - Also Made in USA - Garb the World
Rope Sandals - Also Made in USA
  • $103.00
Robe, ritual robe, ready to ship, several colors and sizes - Garb the World
Robe, ritual robe, ready to ship, several colors and sizes
  • $112.00
Thick Sash - Garb the World
Thick Sash
  • $38.00
Long Vest - Garb the World
Long Vest
  • $112.00
Middle Eastern clothing Abaya, robe, sash.
  • $147.00
  • $129.00
ancient greek chiton
Ancient Greek Chiton with Trim
  • $119.00
Custom-Made Palla - Garb the World
Custom-Made Palla
  • $67.00
Vine pin - Garb the World
Vine pin
  • $8.00
Large veils
Large Circular Veil
  • $45.00
Neoteric Stolla - Garb the World
Neoteric Stolla
  • $112.00
Thin Sash - Garb the World
Thin Sash
  • $35.00
Dalmatica with Trim
Dalmatica romana
  • $233.00
Custom-Made Phrygian Hat - Garb the World
Custom-Made Phrygian Hat
  • $38.00
Roman Red Tunic. - Garb the World
Roman Red Tunic.
  • $82.00
Large Rectangular Veil Or Roman Style Cape - Garb the World
Large Rectangular Veil Or Roman Style Cape
  • $40.00
Custom-Made Women's Doric Chiton - Garb the World
Custom-Made Women's Doric Chiton
  • $89.00
Custom-Made  Sheath Gown - Garb the World
Custom-Made Sheath Gown
  • $67.00
Custom-Made Kalasiris and Trim Belt - Garb the World
Custom-Made Kalasiris and Trim Belt
  • $112.00
 Bible costume
Simple wrap dress
  • $75.00
Custom-Made  Open Sided Doric Chiton - Garb the World
Custom-Made Open Sided Doric Chiton
  • $141.00
Custom-Made Neoteric Chiton - Garb the World
Custom-Made Neoteric Chiton
  • $126.00
Custom-Made Ionic Chiton - Garb the World
Custom-Made Ionic Chiton
  • $186.00
Custom-Made Colobium - Garb the World
Custom-Made Colobium
  • $82.00
Jesus Costume  robr
Jesus Costume - historical, custom fit, made in usa.
  • $297.00
  • $260.00
Gift Card - Garb the World
Gift Card
  • From $14.81
Custom-Made Trim Belt - Garb the World
Custom-Made Trim Belt
  • $45.00
Custom-Made Pleated Schenti - Garb the World
Custom-Made Pleated Schenti
  • $75.00
Custom-Made Long Schenti - Garb the World
Custom-Made Long Schenti
  • $112.00
Custom-Made Kolobus - Garb the World
Custom-Made Kolobus
  • $215.00
Custom-Made Kerchief - Garb the World
Custom-Made Kerchief
  • $38.00