Product Filter
Robes, cloaks, dresses, and other full length clothing. We also have full-length clothing in the Discount collection.

31 products found in Full Length

Monk Robe; In stock and ready to ship in the USA. - Garb the World
Monk Robe; In stock and ready to ship in the USA.
  • $125.00
  • $99.00
Under tunic (Muslin Robe) - Garb the World
Under tunic (Muslin Robe)
  • $75.00
Custom-Made Monk Robe; Made in the USA. - Garb the World
Custom-Made Monk Robe; Made in the USA.
  • $99.00
Robe, ritual robe, ready to ship, several colors and sizes - Garb the World
Robe, ritual robe, ready to ship, several colors and sizes
  • $75.00
  • $45.00
Custom - Design Your Own Robe/Dress - Garb the World
Custom - Design Your Own Robe/Dress
  • $90.00
Sale Full Costume - Basic Outfit/Newbie Special - Tunic/Pants/Belt/Pouch - Garb the World
Sale Full Costume - Basic Outfit/Newbie Special - Tunic/Pants/Belt/Pouch
  • $130.00
Long Vest - Garb the World
Long Vest
  • $75.00
ancient greek chiton
Ancient Greek Chiton with Trim
  • $80.00
Neoteric Stolla - Garb the World
Neoteric Stolla
  • $75.00
Dalmatica with Trim
Dalmatica romana
  • $157.00
Roman Red Tunic. - Garb the World
Roman Red Tunic.
  • $55.00
Custom-Made Women's Doric Chiton - Garb the World
Custom-Made Women's Doric Chiton
  • $60.00
Tabards, Made in the USA, ready to ship - Garb the World
Tabards, Made in the USA, ready to ship
  • $40.00
Custom-Made  Sheath Gown - Garb the World
Custom-Made Sheath Gown
  • $45.00
Custom-Made Kalasiris and Trim Belt - Garb the World
Custom-Made Kalasiris and Trim Belt
  • $75.00
 Bible costume
Simple wrap dress
  • $50.00
Custom-Made Tabards in the USA - Garb the World
Custom-Made Tabards in the USA
  • $50.00
Custom-Made Mongolian Coat with Trim - Garb the World
Custom-Made Mongolian Coat with Trim
  • $189.00
Custom-Made Anglo-Norman Dress - Garb the World
Custom-Made Anglo-Norman Dress
  • $125.00
Custom-Made  Open Sided Doric Chiton - Garb the World
Custom-Made Open Sided Doric Chiton
  • $95.00
Pirate jacket
Custom-Made Jacket
  • $155.00
Custom-Made Tube Dress - Garb the World
Custom-Made Tube Dress
  • $45.00
Custom-Made Sleeveless Over-Tunic - Garb the World
Custom-Made Sleeveless Over-Tunic
  • $75.00
Custom-Made Neoteric Chiton - Garb the World
Custom-Made Neoteric Chiton
  • $85.00
Custom-Made Ionic Chiton - Garb the World
Custom-Made Ionic Chiton
  • $125.00
Custom-Made Colobium - Garb the World
Custom-Made Colobium
  • $55.00
Chemise costume
Chemise underdress.
  • $60.00
Custom-Made Kolobus - Garb the World
Custom-Made Kolobus
  • $145.00
Custom-Made Chasuble
  • $70.00
Custom-Made Woman's Dalmatica - Garb the World
Custom-Made Woman's Dalmatica
  • $165.00